Today we had a smooth brew session and made close to 5 gallons of a Be

glian Dubbel. This was one of the rare batches lately that I've done on a weekend and it was nice to have Elise and Cooper around to brew. The gravity came out a little higher than I wanted (1069 instead of 1063) which will mean probably another 0.5% worth of alcohol. We also made some dog treats from the spent grains as we are running low from the batch that was made from the First Snow grains.
On a side note, we tasted the first round of bottles from the Single Hop beers and, like Elise, I prefered the taste of the Centennial beer. I think that the Cascade version's body is a little thinner than the Centennial one because it was made second and therefore the wort sat around for ~2 hours before it came to a boil. Overall, it is a good pale ale, we like the color and clarity and it should be a good summer beer.

The dogs getting their usual ration of spent grains.
The rabbits have been out a lot lately and as it's Spring, the babies have been coming out as well.
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